Olaf Ulbricht (1951) is an artist of naïve painting, as well as a carver and wood carver from Germany.

The motifs and subjects of his paintings are marked by journeys as well as his residence in the wine-village of Vendersheim in Rhineland-Palatinate. Olaf Ulbricht employs acrylic colours on wood, and by means of a repeated lacquer finish the colours receive a brilliance which lets the motifs glimmer as if reflected from the bottom of a lake. The irregularity and individuality of the grain are integrated into the painting as far as possible. Over the years Ulbricht’s pictures became more colourful, more elaborate in detail and more static. While in his earlier work musicians and houses might float around a church in the autumn breeze, today his pictures tell little stories.

The admirers of these naïve paintings particularly delight in the peculiar atmosphere of the tiny and “cheerful worlds of wood and colour”, which have so often been considered to be lost.

Specific characters, such as musicians, farmer’s wives with chickens, farmers with a horse or cow, lovers, ministers, carriers of Chinese lanterns among other elements, are to be found again and again.

Olaf Ulbricht has taken up these elements for many years, slightly varying them step by step. Thus he created the typical and unmistakable characters of his unique form of naïve art.

Tel. +82 10 7107 0082    E-mail. info@galleryunplugged.com

For general inquires, please e-mail. info@galleryunplugged.com 

(Tue-Sat) 12:00 – 19:00

Closed every Monday and Sunday

Sunday open is only for reservations.